Saturday, 31 December 2011

Ok I admit it - I'm a nail polish junkie!!

Welcome to my new blog! I am a hardcore nail polish junkie - I will admit it. I am so sad I actually counted how many nail polishes I have - in total I have 136 (not including clear, undercoat and topcoats). 136! How will I ever get around to wearing 136 nail polishes I hear you ask. Well, I have decided that for 2012 my project will be to wear them all. To make sure I wear each one and to mix it up a bit I am going to wear them in alphabetical order throughout the year and post on here everytime I change one. I hope to do a little mini review on how easy they are to apply, how well they wear, how long they last etc.

It is not my intention to buy any new nail polish this year (although I am not making it a firm new years resolution as I can't promise I will stick to it!!). However should any be gifted to me or if I get any in my Carmine Beauty Box (I am signing up this month!) then I will just slot them into my collection somehow.

The first day starts on New Years Day and I shall be rocking Admire from China Glaze. Can't wait to start!

See you soon

Lealea x